Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Entanglements of Motherhood

I really enjoyed reading Arcana's article Abortion is a Motherhood Issue. I think it was completely appropriate timing since I had written my second newsflash about this issue as well. Though it is a short article, what stood out to me was how she approached the introduction when she says, "I will first offer a brief history of my uterus and myself." This was interesting to me because in my opinion, an abortion is a very personal matter that by and large affects the woman getting it and her uterus the most. Not to disregard the father of the unborn child, but when it comes to the physical nature of this procedure, that is who suffers the most.

That being said, I think that it is silly to mandate such strict laws on abortion. We are basically telling people what they can and cannot do to their own bodies which I do not think is fair. Ironically enough, the people that have the most to say about abortions (mostly anti-abortion, that is) are white Republican males. Does it not seem odd that people without a uterus are claiming their opinions and holding their beliefs in such high regard. Personally, I think if you don't have a uterus you need not be so opinionated about the situation, especially if you are not directly involved!

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