Monday, March 7, 2011


I thought todays Moodle readings were particularly interesting. First off, i thought it was kind of ridiculous that there needed to be a "Frequently Asked Questions" document regarding gay marriage. Just in its opening lines is asks questions like "why would a gay couple want to get married?" This just seemed absurd to me that someone would ever need this question to be explicitly answered for them. I understand that many people might not have been aware of the legal differences between a Civil Union and marriage, but it just really made me wonder about the people in this world who would pose such ignorant questions.

I also thought that the Ettlebrick Moodle article was thought provoking. At one point, she states: "Marriage defines certain relationships as more valid than all others. Lesbian and gay relationships, being neither legally sanctioned or commingled by blood, are always at the bottom of the heap of social acceptance and importance." I thought that this was a great point. Even for straight couples, being in a committed relationship for 10+ years (think Kurt Russel and Goldie Hawn) is not good enough for many people in society. They focus on asking questions like "why arent you married?" or "any marriage plans in your future?" For some reason we seem to have an obsession with marriage! When i tell people about my sister and say shes 26, probably 8 times out of 10 the person will ask me if she is married!! I never really thought about it, but now that i do, it is such a bizarre way to try to categorize someone, and yet we are totally ingrained with this idea that one should grow up and get married to legitimize their relationship.

I dont agree with her that by instituting gay marriage it would further condemn gay and lesbian relations outside of marriage. I dont see any evidence to support this, either in the gay or straight communities. Ettlebrick goes on to say "marriage will not liberate us" -- she wants the right to marry, but asserts that it will not be the answer to all society's problems regarding lesbians and gays. I think this is an extremely important message to spread! Especially because if one day we do legalize gay marriage (on a Federal level) there will still be underlying issues and discrimination against lesbians and gays. We dont want people to assume that obtaining the right to marriage is the final step for equality, because it is just a rung along the way!

1 comment:

  1. Hillary- I really liked how you used the example of your 26 year old sister and how most people will ask if she is married. I think of how we get these ideas that everyone in love needs to get married or people past 25 should be married and if they're not then there is no hope. This is a ridiculous idea and somehow needs to be evolved in society. It is interesting how we emphasize and value the biblical view of marriage so much, but are so progressive in other areas. Also, it is kind of ironic that the divorce rate is so high right now because from the it seems people may be rushing in to marriage and not marrying the one for them. We allow any straight couple to marry and have kids, yet we do not give these privileges for gays and lesbians. This idea seems ridiculous and so barbaric as we have moved forward in so many other aspects of life. Once same-sex marriage is legalized federally, the gay and lesbian community will have made significant strides. However, I agree with you and Ettelbrick in that marriage will not liberate the gay and lesbian community. It will still be oppressed just like all minorities until society can accept change.
